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Florawohl, 60 capsules

Schweizer Qualitätsprodukt, vegan, lactosefrei, milchfrei, frei von Magnesiumstearat

Unique complete mixture for the gut

Acacia fibre, Bifidobacterium longum ssp. infantis - this is the bridge between intestinal health (defence and good nutrition) and the brain (wellness, joy, positive attitude to life)

As with other ecosystems, the diversity of species in our intestinal flora is an important factor for its stability and functionality. Each species contributes to a successful whole with its individual abilities.

To support the natural balance in the gut, Florawohl combines twelve different bacterial cultures that naturally colonise the gut and Saccharomyces bulardii with selected plant herbs. With each daily portion of Florawohl, you give your intestinal flora a new 2 billion (2x109) inhabitants that can work together harmoniously in the future. A healthy intestinal flora has a considerable influence on well-being (gut-brain axis). Bifidobacterium longum ssp. Infantis is particularly valuable in this respect, as it is the first and most important microbe that initiates healthy colonisation of the intestine immediately after birth.

Organic acacia fibres* and organic Jerusalem artichokes* are used as food to ensure that all the desired microorganisms feel completely at home in the intestine.

*from controlled organic cultivation

Valuable ingredients

2 capsules contain 2 to 3 billion reproducible probiotic intestinal bacteria:

3* x Bifidobacterium longum, 2* x Bifidobacterium lactis, Enterococcus faecium, 2* x Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactococcus lactis. Saccharomyces spec.

* various subspecies


Acacia fibre, liquorice root, Jerusalem artichoke, burdock root, mixture of 12 active, reproducible intestinal bacteria, almond oil, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (capsule shell, vegetable).

Recommended dosage

Take 2 capsules daily with a little water.

Storage instructions

Store in a cool, dry place away from light (not in the refrigerator).

Legal information

The recommended daily intake must not be exceeded. Food supplements are no substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store out of the reach of small children.

Administration: In vegan capsules.
Application: Immune system , Digestion
Plants: Acacia , Bambus , Kakao , Klette , Rote Beete , Schwarzkümmel , Süßholz, Topinambur , Vanille , Zichorie
Product Type: Dietary supplements
Quality: GMO-free , Gluten-free , Lactose-free , Magnesium stearate-free , Vegan

The aim of St. Helia is to combine ancient knowledge about vitamins, minerals and medicinal herbs with the latest science. The result is products that are of very high quality and purity, yet still reasonably priced.

What does manufacturer/marketer mean?

Every seller must indicate on the goods and also in the online shop the address of a responsible person established in the EU, usually this is the manufacturer.
In general, it does not matter which term you use, they are synonymous. The legislator prefers the term "distributor", but dealers usually use the more "handy" term "manufacturer".
However, it can happen that a non-EU manufacturer does not have a responsible person on EU territory. In that case, one has the choice of not offering such a good product at all or taking responsibility oneself, e.g. for service questions from customers. St. Helia does not have an address outside Switzerland, so we indicate ourselves as the distributor and are also responsible for any questions about the product.

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