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Beeswax candle "Lagotto Romagnolo", 6 cm

An original handmade candle from Campobasso / Molise / Italy

As far as we know, the original "Lagotto Romagnolo" beeswax candle is the only one of its kind.
The idea for this was born in the new company Colle Rosa, which is dedicated to the cultivation and promotion of healthy food in a region in the southern centre of Italy that is still very natural and hardly contaminated with harmful substances.
A "must" for every lover of the Lagotto Romganolo dog breed (or an ideal gift for one), which is also bred there.
However, they are not mass-bred, as is common in many places in northern Italy. There, Lagotti are often produced "in huge quantities" without regard for animal welfare.
In the Epifanie family, who founded the Colle RoSa, only a few Lagotti are lovingly kept as pets and for searching for the famous white truffles and only "on occasion" are there puppies, which are raised with as much love and care as future dog owners could wish for. We also got our Bella from there, which is how we came into contact with the Epifanie family.

Beeswax - natural, fragrant, the most original and best material for candles for thousands of years

The wax for Colle RoSa's candles is a by-product of their beekeeping and honey production.
The bees live in hives in the unspoilt natural environment of the mountains around Campobasso.
The bees are not treated with pesticides, so there are no residues in the beeswax.
The candles are handmade by the family themselves in local production and are a purely natural product without the addition of non-natural waxes.
The candle has a height of approx. 6.5 cm, a length of 4.5 cm and a width of 3.5 cm and weighs approx. 75 g.

How does the beekeeper get the wax?

When the honey in the comb is ready to be harvested, the top layer of wax is cut off with a hot knife. This releases the honey in the comb, which can then be extracted using a centrifuge.
The wax is called "uncapping wax" and only this is used for the beeswax candles. This wax has been produced particularly fresh by the bees and has therefore taken on an intense honey flavour.
When burned, the natural essential oils contained in the wax are released and burn with a very intense and pleasant honey-wax fragrance.

Production of wax and honey in accordance with organic farming guidelines

The new company Colle RoSa is committed to the guidelines of organic farming.
Although there is no official organic certificate under EU law yet, as the company is still very new and everything is still under development, chemical and pharmaceutical agents are already not used in production. Therefore, there are no residues of such substances in Colle RoSa's beeswax or honey.

Significantly longer burning time and more natural light spectrum than stearin candles

One advantage of beeswax candles is their long burning time. This is due to the melting point of beeswax. At 64°C, this is significantly higher than that of paraffin candles. At the same time, however, a thicker wick must be used than with standard candles. When burning, beeswax produces a brighter light than other types of wax and comes closest to the light spectrum of the sun.

Burning instructions

  • Only burn candles under supervision. Keep children and pets away.
  • The candle holder or base such as a plate or similar must be made of non-flammable materials.
  • Do not burn near flammable materials, e.g. curtains.
  • Draughts lead to sooting, dripping and one-sided burning.
  • Cut off any remaining candle edges when warm.
  • Maintain sufficient safety distance between individual candles.
  • If a fire does start due to carelessness, the same rules apply as for a frying pan fire on the cooker: Never extinguish with water, as this would lead to an explosive increase in the size of the fire. Instead, smother the fire immediately by covering it with a non-flammable covering or fight it with a suitable fire extinguisher, which should be available in every household where candles or open fires are used. Then ventilate thoroughly and keep the source of the fire under observation until it is completely extinguished or has cooled down.
Product Type: Food

Unsere neue Feinschmecker-Marke aus dem Süden Italiens

Gesunde Ernährung mit Genuß und dem ganz besonderen Etwas - Kaum ein Land steht so sehr dafür wie Italien.
Vor einigen Jahren haben wir auf der Suche nach einem neuen Familienmitglied nicht nur unsere Bella gefunden, sondern auch die Familie Epifanie kennerngelenrt, die inzwischen die Firma Colle RoSa gegründet hat.
Colle RoSa hat sich der Idee einer natürlich, gesunden Ernährung verschrieben und möchte Lebensmittel erzeugen, die nicht nur von höchster Qualität sind, sondern auch ganz besondere Akzente setzen.
Das Sortiment umfasst inzwischen Bienenprodukte wie Honig, Pollen, Propolis und auch Kerzen aus Bienenwachs, ebenso Kräutertees und Safran und es wächst noch weiter.
Die Qualität entspricht dem eines kleinen feinen Hofladens, wie man ihn sonst nur im Urlaub im ländlichen Italien finden kann - nur mit dem Unterschied, dass unsere Kunde nicht erst aufwendig nach Italien reisen müssen, um in diesen Genuß zu kommen - einfach bei uns bestellen, auf das Paket freuen und sich für auf ein Erlebnis freuen wie in den Ferien im sicher schönsten Urlaubsland Europas!

Zudem stellt die Firma eigene Liköre her, wir konnten dort den besten Limoncello unseres Lebens testen, ebenso wie einige andere Spezialitäten. Der Import von alkoholischen Getränken bringt nochmal ganz andere Herausforderungen für einen Onlineshop mit sich, bis wir die zollrechtlichen Hürden gemeistert haben, wird es sicher noch etwas dauern, wir hoffen aber, dieses Angebot auch unseren Kunden mittelfristig zugänglich machen zu können.
Außerdem ist der Vertrieb der berühmten weißen und schwarzen Trüffel in Planung, der dort mit großem Erfolg von den Lagotto-Eltern unserer Bella gesucht und gefunden wird. Noch gibt es diese nicht einfach zu erwerben in unserem Shop, aber wir vermitteln gerne Kontakte z.B. interessierter Restaurants an die Familie Epifani.

Anschrift des Herstellers: colle RoSa, Contrada Colle Longo, 86100 Campobasso CB, Italien.

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